a full proof ministry for the next generation of christian ministers

2 Timothy 4:5b

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personalized ministry for those that are seeking truth

Welcome to BPMinistries! Our website was created to provide you with information on how to access an array of professional ministry services including:

  • Blogs that raise awareness to church traditions and teachings that are contrary to biblical truth
  • Ministerial ceremony needs
  • Pastor and Minister Support and Licensing Services
  • Security Risk Assessment with customized recommendations for providing a safe place of worship
  • Education and Training for every human service provider where you’ll gain the skills and confidence necessary to:
    • Safely handle a crisis situation
    • Defend your faith
    • Meet the challenges that confront every Christian ministers

A large majority of unchurched people are turned off by the institutional church, they don’t have a biblical understanding about God and Jesus, yet they believe Jesus makes a positive difference in a person’s life and would enjoy an honest discussion about spiritual matters. BPMinistries provides the essentials for your worship and spiritual growth without the institutional church experience.

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