Education & Training Courses
Relevant Education from the Biblical World to the Student’s World
The mission of BPMinistries includes advancing Christians in their faith by providing systematic and comprehensive bible-based education courses. These course establish the fundamentals necessary for proper interpretation of the scriptures, and are designed for bible students, lay ministers, untrained pastors and church leaders.
Training for Service, “A Survey of the Bible”
A 26-lesson survey of the bible that provides a thorough introduction into the Old and New Testament, the Prophets, The Life of Christ, Acts of the Apostles, and the Works of Apostle Paul.
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
A comprehensive study in the Word of God that covers ten studies in:
1. The Jew, the Gentile and the Church
2. The Seven Dispensations
3. The Two Advents
4. The Two Resurrections
5. The Five Judgments
6. Law and Grace
7. The Believer’s Two Natures
8. The Believer’s State and Standing
9. Salvation and Rewards
10. Believers and Professors
Ordained Minister’s Training
An eleven lesson course designed for ministers entering the ministry as well as experienced ministers. The lessons cover a good perspective of the ministerial function, including:
1. Pastoral Leadership
2. Church Administration
3. Church Finances
4. Preaching and Teaching
5. Special Services
6. Pastoral Counseling
7. The Minister and the Law
A course that provides bible students, teachers, ministers and church leaders with tools for selecting sermon topics, texts and themes, and how to build and deliver a sermon.
Training in five principles of biblical interpretation which include:
1. Historical-Cultural
2. Contextual Analysis
3. Lexical-Syntactical Analysis
4. Theological Analysis
5. Application
Christian Witnessing
Training in the principles of discipleship and evangelism, designed to equip Christians with good answers for really tough questions concerning the Christian faith; giving students the confidence and competence to be able to defend their faith.